Maybe the wrong site (I am sure someone will tell me) Does anyone know of a mail order site in America where we in the UK can place an order for delivery in the USA. It seems easier than posting a parcel.
And finally, here are two of my other favourites. Hammacher Schlemmer is the forerunner to Sharper Image. I prefer shopping with them, however, they tend to run a bit more expensive.
I find AB to be so cathartic. It's giving me the opportunity to clear out all these cobwebs of things I've saved up in my jostled brain for so many years! I just never knew where to put it all! Now I do!!
Thank you very much. And again, if there's anything in particular, let me know and I'll be glad to share more. I do lots of shopping for friends and clients so I tend to load up much of this nonsense.