Man has been around quite a long while. Fundamentally our gentics can not have changed that much. I appreciate that with the advent of mass transportation and medical assistance we may have changed our make up a little over the the years.
My question.
When modern actors dress in old clothes you can tell they are exactly that. If you look at genuine old photos, you can tell they are really old. For example Mr Chumley-Warner (Harry Enfield), you still know it is modern men.
My point.
Selecting Cary Grant, Gregory Peck and Steve McQueen and Vivien Leigh, Audrey Hepburn and Ingrid Bergman from, in the grand scheme of things, not that long ago I would argue that we have significantly changed in just one generation.
Compare these to say Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt and George Clooney with Angelina Jolie, Scarlett Johannson and Kelly Brooke. Yes all are handsome and pretty people but they do not have that "look" from yesteryear.
This can not not be mere Hollywood make up as all these actors have appeared in period pieces. They simply can not legimately hold a look around as late as the 1960's.
So why is this?
Is the world population getting less attractive?
If Cary Grant was twenty today in modern clothes and hairdo, would he still be dashing? The answer to this one is definately yes.
I know what you mean, however I do think alot of it is down to makeup and hairstyles. There's a new film out or due to come out with Angelina Jolie in and the film is set in the 1940's, in the pics she does look 'of that era'.
and also fim and photography didnt have the clarity it does today - now we can see every bit of blemish on actors etc but you never would have seen a spot on Audreys face on tv. I think even I would look like Audrey or Marlyn if i fussed out the camera a bit.
to older people I guess it is less attractive, but to me lots of good looking people around, If they're was someone like Carrie grant my nan (if she were alive) would be saying oooh he's a looker how hadsome you should go out with him 4getmenot, which would make me stay even further away from him :-)
Funny you should mention Tony Curtis. From a heterosexual point of view, I can't see why women got their knockers in a twist over him. Great actor, but not a sex symbol.
Burt Lancester, yes and even old dimple chim Kirk, but Curtis, no.
I guess when I;m old I;ll be telling my grandkids 'oooh you should have seen, Jason Statham, Bruce Willis, Jared Leto...... what dreamboats. And they'll be saying oooh yuk
Have you seen "Fort Apache, The Bronx" with Paul Newman. Great movie, if you can get in on UK format.
There is a film with Christopher Reeves (Superman) in it where he falls in love with an old actress and he travels back in time to be with her. Great film I recall.
If I could get back to see Audrey Hepburn, her bottom will be so lovingly and gently spanked, she would still be alive today, bless her.