It won�t hurt IF you don�t overdo it and IF your body REQUIRES it for muscle fibre repair when you�re weight training for example. From the gist of your post I presume your son�s training? If he�s looking to bulk up then as a VERY rough guide he should look at around 2g of protein per kg of bodyweight per day to get bigger (but you need to be exercising to get the benefit - you need to �tear� the muscle fibre and the protein is then utilised to repair the muscle and grow) or you need 1g per Kg per day to maintain bodyweight. You�ll generally get the 1g per Kg per day from a normal healthy diet but it can be quite hard to get the extra 1g without supplements such as shakes you mention if you�re training. However, your body can�t process more than 30-40g of protein in any one �hit� anyway so you need to space the shakes and meals out accordingly else it�s a waste of �shake� for growth or dietary purposes and the extra protein will just sit on your internal organs (it won�t tell you that bit on the packet).
So in short, no harm if he needs it, unadvisable if he doesn�t.
Is he youngster? If so then just make sure he�s not on a Creatine supplement as part of his regime.