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homerbart | 16:14 Thu 07th Feb 2008 | Shopping & Style
13 Answers
Hi everybody - I have received "2" invitations to the same wedding in Virginia, America. They are the son of a friend of mine and the girl (I dont know at all).(2nd marriage too) And I hardly know him at all - in fact I have never had a conversation with him. However I feel the need to buy them something. I perused on the idea of a bit of crystal but the item valued at �40.00 is costing �24 to post to America - any ideas - I am completely flumped.


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I'd buy them a gift voucher for Target. There are stores all over America. Unless you know the name of a department store in the town they live in.
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Hi Spud Queen - you gave me a good answer there. Just went into it briefly. If I ordered somethere - would they deliver to the American address. -
Try this site. They make hand made tiles that have a variety of designs and blessings on them, often taken from medieval sources. I gave a Celtic tile to some American friends, they loved it. The tiles cost �10 to �15 I believe, and they will post all over the world.

Hope that helps.
Hi homerbart. I was thinking more of getting them a gift card actually, or you can get an e-gift card which they can spend over the net. If you wanted Target to deliver something specific I would contact the store. Use the store finder on their website and you should be able to locate a store near your friends.
Amazon will send gift wrapped presents, with lovely gift cards with your personal message.
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thanks all - especially bizzylizzy - will look more into that website - it is a bit different isn't it - after all they have been married twice before and have everything. ta ra all
only trouble is if you spend �40 here on crystal, they would be able to buy the same for about �20 over there and it could break in the post.
Send flowers to arrive the day before the wedding and the bride can display them in the house.Dont send on actual day too much confusion.
Or as already said, just a card will do.
Just forget it. Too much stress already caused. You don't even know these people and worrying about cards & presents. Deny ever receiving the mail in the first place if ever asked. The Royal Mail already do a good job of loosing mail.
Hi homer - Send them some art work or quality print rolled up in a tube.
Find out what kind of art they like, light weight to post! xxx
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Well just wanted you all to know - that I send them a 50 dollar bill. Just wanted to get rid of the bl dy thing. Thanks for all your help

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