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fat plus size models

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Schlomo78 | 01:00 Thu 06th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
look, if you want to be "plus size" and attractive then apparantly you must be between size 12(?) and 18. Hmm,o.k.
SO!! Opinions please, on my "friend" who is a little fatter than that, and not looking to break into the model market-attractive? or no... oto_deleted=2313684412


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So above size 12 would be plus size????????

If that's your friend in the pics, she should definitely try for it. She has a lovely face, no "double chin", and as long as she is in proportions, why not? Give it a go!
Shes got cute face.
Cant see anymore.
How big is she if thats not to personal?
I might give it a go too, actually...Althought I've heard, like you, that plus-size somehow stops at size 16 for modelling...Ahem.....I'm an 18/20, and I don't think I'm any worse than some girls I see around my town! lol
At the risk of a clout.
Are we to see a picture max?
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She's very pretty, it does make me cross that modelling agencies are STILL using anorexic looking girls, I thought they were supposed to be stopping that- went to clothes show last year, I was shocked by the size of the catwalk models, looked like they would snap if you touched them, anyway I digress, your "friend" looks like a normal sized woman, btw why the inverted commas?
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lol, doesn't everyone hav a "friend" that they talk about to people who don't really know them and it may be themselves they are talking about-or maybe not, lol. My mate =ok its me!! is 5 ft 11" but hit the tublands after breaking ankle and having child and the point is where is the realism in modelling now? I look at clothes and think-wow, gorgeous, if i had no boobies or curves and was completely abnormal! I nearly got signed with an agency in the U.S when i was 18 and a size 12, but that was still too fat and i still thought i was fat then-so where does it stop??!! The realistic view is that girls are curvy- and that doesn't equal size blinking 12!! Opinions!!Am I just mad??!!
No, you're not mad; the media is. Also, I'm female and I think you are very pretty - and i'm not that way inclined at all, I promise; I'm more than very happy with my bf.

I don't think clothes look good on naturally skinny people at all; they hang like sacks off them. I used to be skinny and I hated it.

And just to (hopefully) help, my bf's description of all the 'surgically enhanced skinnies' is 'plastic titted Barbie dolls'. Don't know if that will get XXX'd, so it would be 'plastic breasted Barbie dolls' in polite-speak.
I don`t think you look fat at all although the pic on the right makes you look like a pikey

It`s all down to how you present yourself x
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Guys, fantastic! Gallapunk, thanks so much for your lovely comments, Elvis- the pikester has discapeared in the words of Scooby Doo, and there are some monochrome pics- EVERYONE LOOKS GOOD IN B&w!! (I hope) Aw, everyones gone to bedlies. Don't blame yus. :O)
You have a pretty face and nice hair, you are tall and not too fat - get in touch with some of the catalogues for 'big' girls.

I, personally, think that a lot of the skinny 'real' models are almost ugly or masculine and totally devoid of personality.

Good luck.

who is 'too' fat
I am actually 'wolf63'. I wrote the above post using my cat's user name. Doh!
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Susan,-you have a username for your cat? cool...or strange...i'm going with cool. Thanks for the post, we are all obviously too fat , otherwise we would be doing c*ke and sticking our noses up at roast dinners and going to fancy parties and would have no time to be on the p.c. But, remember, its a hard hard life being a model *cof cof, falls over and dies from the exertion of talking about how hard their life must be* so we are the lucky ones. (well actually, I aint gonna cry every time i eat some chips!!)
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Oh, yeah, and the plus size model agencies only go up to 20 at a push. Most are 12-16.I just think they are gits,lol
Why do questions about plus size people always turn into a rant at skinny people? Not all us skinnies stick coke up our noses and refuse to eat. I eat normally and happen to be a chocolate cake addict yet am still a size 8 to 10.
Ahem .....I am what you may call " skinny " , but I hope you wouldn't call me ugly and masculine :-(
We know we aren't masculine and ugly Bigmamma so lets just ignore the ignorant people eh?
nothing wrong with her size I dont personally think she has an overly pretty face or anything individual about her
Very thin girls can look as bad as bad as very large girls, but I wish the media'd stop carping on about size. We're all different, and it's not the shape that matters, but how you are as a person. I'm always having a laugh at myself because I'm 5ft. 7in, and a size 10 (to be comfortable), so I guess you'd call me skinny - but I have 36C wobblers on the top! How embarrassing can that sometimes be!!!
Go for it schlomo, we need to see more different and interesting shapes in the industry, If you dont try you will kick yourself!!

I would try for it but Im a bit of a munchkin with a face you could easily slap ;D

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