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My best Toy ....

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randyraven | 00:13 Sun 13th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
71 Answers
My best toy ever was .....

1 - Bike - Chopper three speed - long seat
2 - Battle tops
3 - Lego
4 - Action man tank and action man
5 - Mamod Steam Engine (Car)


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I remember getting a 'sweet april' doll ans was chuffed to bits... and we (me and my siblings) played with lego constantly.. infact I think I had a fight with middle sister about her stealing all the 'one'ies'
I had one of the very first Action Men, when they had painted hair not a layer of fuzz.

He was great except he had one limp wrist.
LOL at panic - (action man) must be my brother!!
lol any of you remember mousetrap?hours of fun there......
choclate machine
put a penny in
and choclate fall out

or a record player with needles cant get needles now for it

as iv still got player xxxxxxxxxxxx
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mouse trap ...all that setting up ...for 10 seconds of fun at the end...
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I had a chocolate machine. I took it to school and got told off for selling chocs to the other kids. Remember head master saying "This is not a street market ...its a playgound" ....could have been the next Alan Sugar , if it was not for him.
Like sex ^^^ lol : 0)
what about the rubbish toys - Kerplunk - monopoly - mouse trap (contraversial) -
I understand that these used to be popular.
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Frustration - trying to pay the bills - I play it all the time.
ELa they still are .
I can get you one if youve got euros??

Thye come in white as shown , chiese and also black.



Yeah, I can remember record players with needles and tape recorders with tapes.
I can also remember a bridal doll that my Dad brought back from the States (he was in the Raf and went over there briefly) I don' t remember playing with it much, it was the thought that counted.


if you please

I couldn't use on myself Leg, unless they could be trained to go to the off license for me.
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lol rave the next alan sugar''tooth'' mayde???
But Bez, I was only trying to be helpful ....... honest.
They also do guy ones?

Big black john , or a white one called the stud??

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