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prison sentencing?

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north2 | 18:44 Wed 20th Aug 2008 | Law
9 Answers
is there any way i can actually appeal against a crime i think was unfairly judged.

My friend was stabbed to death last year at the young age of just 14, by a group of upto 15 boys,but only 4 stood trial.

the first boy was 18 at the time of the murder,hit my friend over the head with a motorbike helmet and had a history of violence.

the second boy was 20 at the time and had been arrested for possession of a dangerous weapon,which was an axe,he said he found it on the back of a bus,he was also caught with a kitchen knife and claimed he had forgotten he had it.

the third youth was 16 at the time,he threatened my dead friend with a screwdriver,which he said he had to fix his bike.he was riding a bike and He chased my friend who was running on foot,knocked him to the floor and stabbed him twice with a screwdriver.

the fourth youth was just 15 at the time,he was on a supervision order at the time of the murder because he had kicked a shopkeeper unconscious,he had also been known to carrying weapons such as knives and socks with snooker balls in them.

My friend had no previous convictions and wasnt a trouble maker,he could wind people up for a laugh,but he steered clear of trouble.

The first two boys were cleared of all charges

the third boy received just 4 years for gbh with intent,even though he had stabbed my friend twice.He had been on remand for a year and is likely to be released next year!

The fourth boy who ultimately killed my friend received just a minimum of 12 years for stabbing him 4 times,which in my opinion isnt justice.All four took part in hasing my friend,beating him to the floor,2 of them stabbing him and all 4 then leaving him to bleed to death.How can they get away with this?


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Sadly I dont think there is anything you can do - though the family of your friend may be able to.. a la 'Stephen Lawrences' family did a private prosecution (though I would imagine expensive!).

Put your energy into joining a cause like Lives not Knives started just recently by Ben Kinsella's sister and write to politicians to campaign against longer sentences.

How do people sleep at night knowing they have done what they have done. Life is cheap eh! Just dreadful.

Firstly, I am sorry to hear of the terrible circumstances surrounding your friend's death.

The first two have presumably been acquitted on either the basis of a submission of no case to answer after the close of the prosecution case (which will have been decided by the Judge) or acquitted by the jury. An appeal by the Crown in these circumstances is highly unlikely.

In terms of the 3rd and 4th, you can make representations to the CPS about the sentences, but ultimately, it is a decision for the Crown whether to appeal the sentences on the grounds of undue leniency by making a reference to the Attorney General.

I am sorry, but it sounds that you have no grounds yourself for making any form of appeal.

Question Author
thanks for replying.
Ive joined all the campaigns,marches and so on
but these politicians ae too busy with the 'iraq war' and fraudsters like the darwins to care about children killing children!

ive emailed 30 politicians and the home office,yet nobody seems to be listening to me,they just say what my email says is true and that i make valid points,yet nothing else is done!its ridiculous!
im still going to try and look into it,ever since martins death,ive become increasingly interested in the so called justice system and i still plan on getting the justice he and his family deserve
I'm sorry i can't help you but i wish you the best of luck in your quest for proper justice for your friend. The judicial system in this country must be one of the softest and worst in the world and i;m sick of it.

Keep going with your the national papers and radio stations (Jon Gaunt on talksport 10am-1pm daily) for example.

Good luck mate
Question Author
thanks! much appreciated!
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i totally agree,the police do their job properly,its the government and judges who dont!
you can bet if their children were being stabbed something would soon be done!
r.i.p martin dinnegan,love you!
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that would make me just as bad,plus that would be too quick,i want them to suffer as much as his family has suffered

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prison sentencing?

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