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Sleep aids

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Babz | 15:43 Sun 14th Dec 2008 | Shopping & Style
8 Answers
Does anyone know what those things are called that stand on the bedside table and produce soothing sounds like the sea to help people to sleep, I don't mean for babies but for an adult. I was wondering if I could get one from ebay but can't think how to describe it.


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Hello. The thing you are looking for is called a Sound Spa. If you open up ebay & put this into a search you will see a few on there. I have suffered with insomnia during the last few months and in fact tried one of these but unfortunately for me it did nothing but then it could work wonders for others. I found the Paul McKenna relaxation CD's really good. The Sleep like a Log was excellent. I also have a tape recording of relaxation that I listen to quite regularly but obviously you'd need something like a walkman for listening to this. hope this information helps
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Thanks very much for that info, I wan't it as a gift for someone who doesn't sleep well. Now I know what they're called I might be able to get one. Thanks again, I wish you nights of sweet repose.
My mum got me a box set of cd's, one was the sound of rain/thunder, the sound of birds and the last one was the sound of the seaside, I love them! and they are so relaxing, in fact im going to dig them out and listen to them!

She got them from HMV and they were pretty cheap if I remember right!
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They sound lovely thank you, it's just the sort of thing the person I want this for would like. I've found a sound spa on ebay and am waiting to see if I'm lucky in my bid, if not I'll go down to CD route. Thanks again
I think Avon also do a cd for sleep, not sure, but you could check it out on their web site.
Hi - They sell them in Boots the Chemist.
I was given a sleep mask with built in sounds ( all of which seem to be water related ) ( Trot off to loo in middle of night!) Nah it did nothing for me at all....back to the pills if I need to sleep thro'.
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Thanks everyone I think my problem is nicely solved. I had a laugh about the sleep mask, I never thought about sounds of the sea etc causing extra loo trips, I won't be very popular.

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