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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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Morning jno!!

Our sunshine is fast disappearing!!
I don't think she sees him as much, I think she likes him more than he likes her, she gets all excited when he is due and then he doesn't come over or something.
that post just vanished... try again... jno jnr came here for a week last night, he has decided to save £100 on rail fares and use it to pay the insurance excess on his collapsed ceiling. He immediately announced plans to repaint our hall, which needs doing, in preparation for repainting his own flat, which does not need doing as it is a lovely primrose yellow which catches the sun, and he and gf want it in trendy grey.
It's hard being young!!
Am now wondering if son and GF would like to spend a month with us and decorate right through in return for board and lodging.......................

Having thought about it I couldn't stand the mess. They really are a very untidy pair!!
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Hello all, all well here touching wood, DH fine drove himself to dialysis and Sis arrives is even clean shock horror.......stay well alll
Back from grockle dodging clutching my jacket .Woop woop. I grabbed the last one in my size .I'm really pleased with it .I also managed to get some trousers and a bra in our squitty little M&S which makes a change .They usually have nothing in my size .
I also bought some spuds...Lol.
Turned out a lovely day here but the sun has gone in now .
Have a nice evening everyone .We're having liver and bacon with the spuds :)
Oh well done shaney.

I haven't cooked yet, still have s/s chicken from yesterday and Mr N can have that and I'll have smoked salmon. After my busy day I am now shattered.
Good news about Mr W, and Shaney's jacket!!

I got home from Morrisons just before a storm hit. Was standing on the front doorstep after unloading all the bags from the car when the loudest thunderclap ever happened just above. Never in my life have I jumped like that!!

I am not worried by storms, but it was so unexpected and so close.

Have been watching the Murdoch thing and the episode with the shaving foam!! Didn't realise that Murdoch had such a young attractive oriental wife. I wonder what she sees in him ;o). Mind you she attacked the stupid joker with the shaving cream with great gusto, he ended up with the foam all over his face!! Quite light entertainment interlude!!
Evening all. Well done with the jacket Shaney. Doesn't often work that they have your size left in sales. I've found that out. Very disappointing.
Pleased Mr W. is feeling better today. Maybe when he has his next treatment he will be able to take the meds quicker before the pain and sickness become too bad.
My Steady is so independant from me you wouldn't believe. I did get him into a football team when he was 8/9 and thereafter he just got into all sports, except Rugby, (which is my eldest son's sport of choice). He chose an office job when he left school but didn't last too long. Couldn't stand shirt and tie every day!!
Then he went to Royces and is now a senior engine maintenance and repair engineer. He's always been good with money.I think he learnt how to cope with his cash from his Dad.
I have done a bit of chauffeuring ?sp! but not much after he passed his driving test and had bought himself a car. Mind you he had to learn the hardway about cars cos the first one he bought was C**p but he did learn thank goodness. I think he learns more by his mistakes than asking advice expecially from me. His Dad passed away 5 years ago and fgot him into Angling and Cricket so I was right out of it until he got into his music.
So - Neti - you are lovely Mum and in the long run I'm sure Hija will appreciate what you have done for her. If I'd have had a daughter I more than likely would have been the same. Also maybe I would have seen her a bit more than I do my son.
Hope you're feeling better Robi and your custards have perked you up. I'd just love one at this very minute.
I've been to Stanton-by-Dale today and had a lovely jacket pot with med. veg. salsa and salad - really tasty. Then I caught the bus to the train station to collect the tickets I had paid for for when I go to see my other son (I'll try and think of a name for him) I'm going to meet them in Taunton this time and we're going to have a trip round Exmoor. I'm going the day before and have B&B so that I wont be so tired on the day and I'll have had a good breakfast.
Talking about food has made me ready for my tea so
See yer later 'gater(s)
Jude, much as I love my son, I have to admit that it seems that they aren't as family minded as girls. My son and I were very very close when he was young but he doesn't share his secrets with me any more and I don't see him as much as I would like. He life has gone off in a separate direction and I don't feel part of it any more. I think girls tend to share more with parents throughout their lives.

But such is life, and he's a good fella. I am proud of him - just wish he was around a bit more :o(

Storm has passed now!!
evenin all...breezy & dull but no rain today....and better still, no headache (tired & fuzzy but I'll live with that) so I've caught up with a couple of things. I didn't buy cstrds after all Jude, just (yet more) strawberries...oh, and cream of course....and a load of Bakin Boys flapjack 'cos they're on offer :o) I love English strawbs, they truly are made in heaven.

Yay! Well done shaney, I did cosmically order one for you :o)

My two weren't spoilt, I just took care of them the best I could....and they left home perfectly capable of taking good care of themselves. Any woman who sends her sons out into the world untrained needs a hefty thwack, lol.
Mind you, from watching some of these reality programmes there seems to be plenty of untrained young women these days. Tarquin lives about 14 miles away (and I see him quite often)...and Ozzy lives about 9039 miles away... lol.
Wasn't that a bluudy long post I did. Sorry if it bored you silly. I get carried away with the number of clicks count ;¬)
Just came back to say goodnight. Another busy day tomorrow. I'm off to Ashbourne to meet up with my cousin and his lady friend who come over every year for a holiday. I think SheWLFTM and Fuschia are coming with me. (Well it's not really busy is it!!

Hope you all have a peaceful night.
Laters and laters 'gater(s) x
my goodness, we went to a do tonight and OH won the prize draw again - that's five in two years, I think (plus I have won a couple). It's a night in a Greenwich hotel this time, a step down from Monaco, Hong Kong etc, but I wonder if we'll be allowed into many more dos.

And came home to find jno jnr had caulked cracks in the ceiling, so I am feeling happy about life at the mo. Of course someone will probably hit me with a plate of shaving foam any minute, but still.
Good morning, I've had a lovely guilt-free lie in and now sitting in bed with a cuppa. Hija is out until Thurs, I rather suspect that the dj is here (or it maybe another fella!)

I wish someone would come and caulk my cracks, place is like a jigsaw puzzle. Mr N seems to have lost his enthusiasum (sp) but he is working rather harder this summer than usual and it is getter jolly worn.

I did admire Wendi Murdoch when she leapt up and clouted that fellow, she must care a bit for the old man!
*worn* ha ha , is he too, I meant warm!
Mr LL is definitely getting a bit worn these days. His previous abilityfor DIY and tackling everything himself is noticeably declining. Mentally it is still there, but he has to face the face that at retirement age he can't go up on the roof any more and rebuild the chimney!! How can I convince him, it is worrying me sick that one day when I go out the ladders will come out and up he will go.
Good morning by the way - well actually it is a murky grey day more fitting to November, but warmer.

Make the most of your relaxing day Nets.

Am now the proud possesser of a silver bra and some rather flashy M&S knickers to match. I fancied some nice undies for our wedding next week.
Why did the knickers come on hangers!! What a total waste.
Not 'our' wedding!! The wedding.
My knickers don't come on hangers, they come in packets of 5 or is it 7 from M&S, white cotten size 14.

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