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pastafreak | 11:00 Tue 02nd Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
Hi hun....

I wouldn't worry a bit about that 'cryptic' remark on your thread last night,as there were several scattered about by the same poster on others....including this on mine,
" i refuse to enter a battle of wits with you - its against my morals to attack the unarmed "
and MY thread was about perfume!!!

hahahah!! Take care hun...and continue to be the happy soul that you are...xx


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Hi Pasta, how ya doin?? Some people eh x
" i refuse to enter a battle of wits with you - its against my morals to attack the unarmed "
and MY thread was about perfume!!!"<i/>

Brilliant! I love that...
That last bit shouldn't have been in italics - I haven't got the hang of this font business....
Ha , how strange , maybe the post was meant for another thread , it was certainly out of place on yours pasta xx
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salla : I DID wonder what ammunition I was supposed to

I am fine LFCF..and you?
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As I said mamma..i saw a few other rather bizarre posts by the same indiviual it must be their 'thing',,lol
Hope you are ok sweetie x
pasta: You could have said "I am armed with Poison so back off for Eternity you big Brut....."
Ah , I see hun , someone doing it on purpose on several threads , mmmm , what an odd thing to do , very random :-/
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LOL @ salla!

mamma..maybe they were overdue for their meds....;-0
Hee :-D xx
lol@pasta, weird or what?
joy x
Can you tell us who's doing it?

I'm sooo nosey..!
it's like they are going into books and picking out passages and posting them...
mine said I was flirting with intelligence,,,,who's he when he's at home, can't be anyone on here,,,LOL
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Morning Joy!....takes all

Hiya ummmmmm........I will give you initials...

should this be in Q&P ????
OOh,catfight! Claw,miaow,hiss,scratch,bite!!
-- answer removed --
[email protected] the
yep, that's the one pasta...
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OI ! Mr......a cat fight implies a group of women at each other's you see that here???...naaahh!! lol!
Hi All, Finally shaken a tail feather ;-)
Hugs to all on this fine sunny day :-)
Got dressed now then Bea?? LOL

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