Right people.. we have one of those split rubbish bins in the kitchen, you know the sort, one side is for recycle and the other for food waste..
My partner is always telling me off because i just fill the side up thats got a bit of space left in it whether its food, bottles, boxes, envelopes etc .. like the good old days where you could just bang it all in the same bin.. Now.. my reasons for doing this areeeee... Quite a while ago i saw the same bin men picking up the black bin and silver bin at the same time and mixing it all up in the same lorry... so i thought id just same them the time mixing it up for when they empty it all in the same landfill... The other reason is that if we keep separating all the rubbish for them, isnt this surely putting some hard working people out of a job? So isnt what im doing called `job creation`? Oh and btw.. even though im sure most of you take time in doing `the right thing` in separating all your rubbish, saving the councils time, money and staff.. do our rates go down to say thank you? noooooo.. and dont even get me going about wind farms!!!!!!
Good point.Our council is always banging on about how much re cycling THEY have done.Excuse me,did I miss the person who call round every day without fail to do this??
THEN when you think you have done the right thing by putting your envelope in recycle,you get told off cos its got plastic in it.Doh