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buying a rash vest

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mollykins | 16:02 Tue 04th May 2010 | Shopping & Style
20 Answers
Where can i buy a rash vest from, and can you get full arm length ones, not just the t-shirt sized/shaped ones?


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would it still be a vest if it has full arms....?
Question Author
no angel, rash vests you put under a wetsuit to stop it from chaffing and leaving marks that look like a rash.

IDK fluff, but the same material but longer arms is what i mean.

I looked in sports direct but there weren't any.
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Question Author
yes, exactly like that, but in a smaller size, i'll have a browse on that website, thanks.
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Would something like an under armour top do the same job?
PS How's you today molly? Have you decided on Portsmouth Uni yet?
Isn't your wetsuit lined?

None of mine have ever chaffed.
Question Author
lol angel.

bobs, it depends what its made from, i think they are made from polypro . . . soemthing or neoprene.
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jj its a half wetsuit that goes to my elbows and knees, the only place its chaffs are around my armpits, elbows and knees.
Aah ... a shortie.
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ebay only had short ones last time i looked.
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bobs they're too expensive plus i don't know how thick/ thin they are.
Question Author
the long ones are called rash tops or shirts.
Okies, sorry lol

So are you going to Pompey then?
Question Author
i've still got nearly 2 years to decide.

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buying a rash vest

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