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charity bags..

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sara3 | 06:09 Thu 06th May 2010 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
hmmmm, got the bag through the door, it's a registered charity, made the kids have a huge clear out of their clothes (and me too), but just noticed that the bag says (in small lettering) "at least £50 per tonne of clothing will be donated to this charity".

isn't that a bit rubbish? our clothes are (mostly) good quality brands, and some still have the price tags on them (oops, that'll be me!).

is that a lousy deal? should I just bung it out to get it gone, or should I take it to a charity shop?


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I'm led to believe that "charity" shops are only obliged to donate 20% of their net profits to the actual charity for whom they are collecting, and the rest can go in the owner's pocket. You're best donating it to a non-profit making organisation, or to a group who will sending your unwanted clothes straight to poor people.
Sara-even here in the backwaters of Norn Iron , there is a nearby unit which gives you the money direct for bags of clothing/bed linen etc
may be one near you
I use them as bin liners.
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I use the non-charity "charity" bags as bin liners too!

beejay, I don't know of anything like that here :o/

NoM, I don't know what to do! is it the same for say.. a Cancer Research shop?
A charity shop dedicated to a particular charity, i.e. blue Cross, will use all money taken in the shop for it's charity, after overheads for the shop.
Around here they don't even supply the bag anymore. There's just a sticky-backed label that they want you to put on a bag you supply.
I have just put one out this morning - its for a Blind Children's charity. We get loads through our doors but I have noticed recently they do not want bric a brac just clothes, so selling by the tonne seems to be what they are all doing.

Great tip about using as bin bags - never thought of that - thanks.
true Sandy-got two of them stickers in the last 7 days
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DEN.. snap! are you near me? I'm in St Albans (although I'm sure it's a national collection!)
Sara... even a shop that collect solely for Cancer Research isn't owned by the Cancer Research Foundation - it is owned by its manager (like a franchise) and thus they are only obliged to donate a percentage of the net profits. That's what I read, anyway.
I use them as bin liners as well !
Do a car boot sale and send the money to a charity Sara,good quality clothes would sell easily.
No Sara - I am in Hornchurch Essex.
Sara-any of your panties in the bag ?
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mightyWBA, I can't. well, I could but it's too much effort for a weekend and I'd end up keeping the money ;o)

beejay, be sensible!

NoM, poop.
no then
Take your clothes to the charity shop of your choice. what they don't sell to the public they sell to the ragman, so they get some money either way.
last time I did a boot sale years ago - it was good fun - but ended up with my Mum chasing a Nigerian lady who had stolen a pair of trainers off my stall - my Mum rugby tackled her to the floor.
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I think I'll do that, waterboatman.

thanks all x
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DEN, lovely.. lol!
The sad thing was Sara - I had them priced at only 50p - her excuse was she was sending them to Nigeria for the starving children (well thats what she said when my Mum eventually let her get up ).....

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