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live strong

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xx_roxy_xx | 22:28 Mon 14th Mar 2005 | Shopping & Style
4 Answers

can anybody tell me where i can buy live strong bands of any sort? but not on the internet?????? any ideas? anyone want to send me one?



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Is the the original yellow band you are after?

I have stopped wearing mine as everyone and their dog seems to have them now. It was cool back in November when i got it but now they are so passe.

Keeping my "Beat Bullying" band though as they aren't so common.

Refer to the Q about five down from this one for more wristband answers.


these are for the stand up speak up bands and they are trying to make more to meet the demand, although if you are after the yellow ones then they will be in nike stores and im sure the above sports stores will do them

i bought my pink breast cancer one from dorethy perkins =) also there is a selection in Hogosarus toy shop.

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