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Online Shopping: Drawbacks
Shopping online has become ubiquitous in the UK; however even the World Wide Web has some drawbacks. Security and privacy are the main areas of concern when buying online, but with a few simple and easy checks you can ensure a safe shopping spree – with your goods delivered straight to your door.
Shopping without the queues:
A lack of consumer confidence is preventing online shopping from reaching its full potential, with almost a third of internet users not buying online because they don’t trust the system.
Knowing exactly who you are buying from is crucial when it comes to trusting websites and relying on their secure payment systems. Obtaining a company’s contact details in case of emergency will ensure you know how and who to contact if you have any questions about your order, as well as give you the confidence in knowing the company is legitimate.
Keeping a record of any orders and transactions is always a good idea, in case of non-delivery or fraud. Fraud is a common drawback and major problem with online shopping, as consumers put their trust in and card details to a website without checking whether or not it is genuine and not just a money making scheme.
Reading the fine print and terms and conditions is vital when ordering off the web, as you may think you have found a great deal then find out a hefty amount has been taken out your account, which was stated in the T & C but wasn’t obvious at the time of ordering.
Around 75% of online consumers fear fraud and/or identity theft, therefore making sure your information is secure is essential for both personal and financial details. Spammers are a huge problem for consumers, after receiving an email about discounted items and inviting you to buy products at low prices, consumers are then targets to possible scams.
Most spammers are just looking to make a quick buck, and with so many people being unaware of scams and the dangers of internet shopping that’s exactly what they get. Most spammers will steal credit card of financial information and use it fraudulently.
Online risks:
Online payment services do offer consumers some protection, however using a credit card as opposed to a debit card may be a safer option as they offer an extra degree of protection for any disputes regarding online purchases.
Consumers need to feel safe and confident when buying online, by only using certified websites you can protect yourself against hackers stealing your information. When you buy from an online store that has the McAfee SECURE Trustmark, you can be confident about your purchases. Look out for forged security icons as many fraudulent schemes get away with fooling consumers into thinking they have passed the identity theft and credit fraud security tests; however this is miss-leading and untrue.
With many dangers to be aware of online, shopping can be a risky business - but with no long queues and money saving offers it really is no wonder so many people are choosing to shop online. By following a few safety tips you will be filling your shopping basket in no time and securely ordering items, which will be delivered straight to your door as and when you choose.