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Are you going to have to cut back on your holiday spending?

As the sun starts to make more frequent appearances we start thinking about our summer holidays but with ever-increasing bills and outgoings are you going to have to cut back on your holiday spending?

Results ★

I am not going on holiday this year as I cannot afford.
I don't need to worry about cutting back on the type of holiday I take
It will be a bit of a struggle to afford a nice break but I will cut back on other things to afford it
I am not going on as nice a holiday as I would have liked to

As the sun starts to make more frequent appearances we start thinking about our summer holidays but with ever-increasing bills and outgoings are you going to have to cut back on your holiday spending?

Total: 713
A.I am not going on holiday this year as I cannot afford.36.61 %261
B.I don't need to worry about cutting back on the type of holiday I take35.34 %252
C.It will be a bit of a struggle to afford a nice break but I will cut back on other things to afford it17.81 %127
D.I am not going on as nice a holiday as I would have liked to10.24 %73
Stats until: 01:38 Sun 22nd Dec 2024 (Refreshed every 5 minutes)