i think people will vote in trumo, they have seen enough of hillary, they have seen through her lies, she has been around 8 yrs...
Do others think that if school league tables had never been introduced, children would have continued to go to their nearest school as they did when I was a lad, without knowing about how well it was...
I have been using an app to catalogue my books. There are a few that are different and come up not an ISBN. Mainly James Patterson hardbacks. They have ones like 0 000000 044790
Can anyone advise....
has there been a vote on in/out on AB. if so where can i find it ? interesting to see how many on here voted and what they voted for. i am a member of a few other forums which had votes / polls done...
Okay, so there is this guy I work with and I've known him for almost two years and in that time frame he's always trying to hangout with me. Well he's a bit of an *** to everyone, but the one time...
Hi, just wondering if anyone has the same recurring dream as me. I'm lost and trying to find my way home but nowhere looks remotely familiar and as I venture down different roads, the landscape...
I am expected to give a short presentation for my French language group on 6 French expressions of my choice (without props). I have never done a presentation in my life and I am freaking out just...
why stay in EU. watch the discussion and decide for yourself but the leavers have the best argument here dont you think ?
I'm arrogant, I don't give a *** about most of the people, I have ego where I don't speak to the person until he starts the conversation, is this how humans should be? I just feel humanity is...
Ive just qualified to receive a motability car if i want, but ive heard the government plan to take back about 30 pounds a week from those on this benefit. As i dont keep up to date with politics i... should have gotten...