i recently nipped into tesco one tea time for a few bits,
i was having a slow gander round the aisles when i spotted a shop assistant re-pricing the near-end-of-sell-by-date food items, and placing them up onto the shelves..
so i thought i'd stop and have a nosey, to see if there was any bargains to be had..
but 3 woman were stood nattering together, right by the stand, while they waited, and i wasn't able to get near to see what was what..
so not wanting to look too eager, i thought i'd stand aside, and casually have a quick little rummage through the trolley of the 'soon-to-be-reduced items', while i waited too..
so there i was leaning into the trolly, as you do, minding my own business, picking up and putting back this n that that was in there, when next thing i hear a voice behind me, from one of the 3 women, say..
''err excuse me love? what you doing? thats MY shopping in that trolley..!!''