When I was very little my mum taught me to knit -she was incredibly good at it. By the time I was a teenanger I was also very good and could knit the most complex of patterns which I was very proud of. Then one day with a new boyfriend we visited his nan who was knitting. He mad a comment to the effect that it was what little old ladies did whn they were bored and so I never mentioned it. In fact I never knitted again. Stupid really. So is there anything that you are good at that most people dont know?
i think i was good at knitting,painting,organising,cooking but alas,its only cooking now and it takes me ages to do that but still tastes nice(i think)
Actually I'm good at drawing too - especially cartoons. i did one in the waiting room of a hospital once whilt waiting for my son, and the receptionist asked to put it on the wall lol. Dont do that either now. (why not?)