You can get ink jet printable canvas and do it yourself. You need to get the layout and quality right on paper first. The canvas I have used is very susceptable to damage from water ( a sneeze for example)so you will need to protect it with laquer.
I think I've reported and demanded that it be removed.... I've enough hassles with plagiarism and image theft....... I don't make a fortune from my pro work so I refuse to allow anything outwith my own edits
Sorry Shoota I had a company steal a huge pile of my images last year so I'm very protective of them as you can imagine, no offence meant on my part either. I do have a mono version but as I can't get near photobucket I cant share
The stuff on photobucket is all very low res stuff and not of print quality. It's really only used to link images into websites and forum based places like this. The originals of the image linked in here are over 25mb in size and proper print quality levels