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Steampunk, Ever Heard Of It?

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RATTER15 | 09:43 Tue 01st Sep 2015 | ChatterBank
41 Answers
We have just been attending events at a Steampunk weekend, totally fascinating, I love the whole Stempunk thing. Ive never heard of it until now, have you?


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Never heard of it. What is it?
All I know is they wear long frock coats and top hats with feathers in - that kind of thing
I thought it was something to do with steam trains!! Lol.
I've heard of steampunk. I've seen things like ornaments of skulls and dragons made in the style of machines and robotics, if that makes any sense? Is that the same as your steampunk? I don't know if it's related to any music or literary genre.
it's sort of to do with steam trains - it combines old fashioned styles from Victorian days with more modern ideas. It's trying to recapture the spirit of an era when steam was new technology, much as digital is now.
I'd love a steampunk laptop.
Imagine, walnut veneer and intricate hinges, brass knobs n everything.
that's the sort of thing, Mosaic.
Lets be honest its for the kids
I suppose it is, ric.ror, but I love the handbags on Baldric's link. Would a 45 year look ridiculous carrying one of those? I'm very tempted.
You wear what ever you want Cloverjo
Even if it is for the kids - no reason not to
^^^45 year-old
It's all in the attitude Cloverjo.
But I agree, you'd have to have a complete look. Not much good with a primark tracksuit.
However one positive side effect is that steampunkers have embraced home sewing to get the outits they desire - I can't think of a youth trend that's had that effect on such a scale.
If I could dispose of a couple of stone and a couple of decades I'd give it a go - a great look.

Possibly the corset wouldn't quite be for me though :)

I wonder if Lumination is still a fan?

I think it's all very stylish.

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