The rest of the poem:
My oh my, every word rings a bell,
not only ‘jumpers for goalposts’ but other things as well.
Throwing sticks into trees, those conkers WILL fall,
bikes with no brakes, a fixed wheel was all,
‘cowhorn’ handlebars, no mudguards at all.
Throwing stones at each other, health and safety unknown,
no hard hat playing cricket,
plastic ‘box’ for your manhood but no case for your phone.
Phones were in boxes that stood on the street, bright red,
firmly they’d stand, no phone in your pocket, that was just for your hand.
No TV at home, that was a luxury for the others,
Saturday morning pictures with a shilling from our Mother’s.
Sixpence to get in, sixpence to spend,
hours in the sweet shop, the choices? No end.
Blackjacks, fruit salad, sherbet fountain, gob stopper, maybe a jubbly? or maybe a ‘whoppa’?
A teatime, a bedtime, no ‘raking the streets’, food that was ‘good for you’ with very few treats.
School uniform, short trousers, cap, satchel, a tie.
Darned holes in your socks, leaky pens, that awful blue dye.
Blackboard dusters, ammunition for ‘Sir’,
It came your way if his wrath you’d incur.
The cane, the slipper, or the flat of his hand,
no redress for violence, parents didn’t understand.
“You must have deserved it, they don’t punish you for nought” “you’re not there to have fun, you’re there to be taught”
Well taught I was, and taught well may I say,
It gave me the values I hold to this day.
Respect for those wiser, consideration of others,
role models to emulate, love for our Mothers.
At the time there were no grudges, it was just part of life,
we had FUN without telly, or computers, no strife.
Modern kids miss out on the lessons we learned,
they expect all to be given, nothing is earned.