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Is It Bad To Allow Dogs To Watch Tv?

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bluefortress | 21:48 Thu 29th Aug 2024 | Animals & Nature
17 Answers

Brought a 5 month puppy home last week, a terrier.

He is settling in quite well, very alert and quite highly strung as in looking around at every little noise. No proper barking yet. 

A bit of history - he had been in a previous home however was returned to the kennels as they had a baby and it was too much for them. 

Anyway he has taken a liking to watching TV. I put a puppy programme on so he can watch dogs. Some of my family feel a bit creeped out by him staring at the TV and think this is bad as it might give him phobias of big dogs. 

Im no dog behaviour expert so what do you think? Are they right should I stop TV time?





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If your dog enjoys watching TV there is no harm.

I used to watch TV with my cats and dogs.

Is this your first dog?  Your Vet might run puppy classes that will help him be able to socialise with other dogs and people.


My dog stopped watching when they cancelled One Man and his Dog

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Makes sense wolf. Its not my first dog but the first Ive known to watch TV : /

Thought about puppy classes for socialising as he did growl at a dog on his last walk. Will have a look at the cost of them

I can't see a problem withit.  My labrador, labradorxcollie and labradorxspaniel all adored 'One man and his dog'.  Current terrier can't be bothered.

I think you need to consider socialising a.s.a.p., though.

Most reputable web sources seem to suggest that leaving a TV on when you're away from home can help to reduce stress and anxiety in your dog.  

If you agree, you can subscribe to a channel that's just for dogs!

Forgot - I always leave the radio on  quietly when we are out, so he hears voices.  R4.

If you do leave the TV on when you go out, don’t forget to leave the remote within paw reach, so that he can change the channel if the program becomes boring.

YouTube is full of videos just for cats, so I see no reason why dogs shouldn't be entertained also. Maybe not for hours on end. We don't want them imitating adolescents. 

It's well known that the chap in my avatar sometimes takes over my laptop when i'm not in the room, visits this site and comments on things he takes an interest in.

He believes i don't know he does this but i can hear his paws tapping away at the keyboard if i'm in the kitchen.

As for watching tv, he will sometimes watch a bit of football or racing, but on the whole, he rarely bothers. I too leave the radio on for him when i leave the house.

Going by YouTube clips, the only danger would appear to be him leaping up at the picture and knocking the TV set over.

Enjoy your puppy 😊 😊 😊 

I used to watch Stargate Atlantis with my cats. As soon as the adverts started  Frankie would either go for a visit to the litter tray or go for a drink.  He would be back for the programme restarting. 

I don't think there is much or any harm in a dog watching TV.  

My dogs watch television when animals are on - and are especially fond of watching other dogs.  I don't think that's anything to be concerned about.

My sisters boyfriend once had 2 rottweilers who used to love watching country file...

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One of the dogs will bark back if they hear another bark on the TV, otherwise they just curl up and ignore it. Same one is frightened of fireworks, but not if they're on the TV. Never had a dog that really 'watches' more like listens to it.

That comment about fireworks on TV is interesting. The Labrador we had as kids was terrified of thunder, including when on TV.

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