Gone fishing. <:▪︎)
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Had a great day out today on the riverbank, beats being stuck in all day. <:▪︎)
Seeing life from a new Angle ?
[I'll get my coat]
All ways good to get out in the fresh air or you could get stuck in a daily rutt day after day, week after week, month after month.even year after year.
Mind you don't get stuck in a rut on the riverbank! 😁
Sorry not today, back fully alive and well. Had a great lunch to at the riverside pub.
Mind you don't get stuck in a rut on the riverbank!
dont fall in !- - - I hope we can - bank - on that
Ploughmans lunch, lovely cheese and some sweet grapes.
PP....BA #:•)
Do pubs still do ploughman's?
My first one was on my first visit with my future husband. It was a proper, no frills pub in Wiltshire. Very old too.
^^yep they sure do, but can depend on the area your in.
Do you know the answer?
DDILGenuine Question Please Don't Zap On...
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