ooh i think ill be stealing thoes ideas for our beavers.
a game i didnt see on there that our boys like is called tunnels and bridges....basically line them up in to teams at one end of the hall, then as the first person in the line is runnin to the bottom of the hall and back again shout either tunnels or bridges, and the boys (or in your case girls) in their lines either make a tunnel with their legs, ie stand with their legs apart and the boy crawls through, or hunch up on the floor (sort of like in leap frog but no body jumps over the boys are kneealing as close to the floor as they can, with arms tucked in...stood on fingers arnt good) and the bever runnin has to sort of walk over this bridge, not actually walk over the boys, but walk with their feet either side of the bodies. When the first boy gets to the end of the line, then the next one goes.