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4getmenot | 13:19 Mon 06th Aug 2007 | Hobbies & Interests
31 Answers
Well today is a bit sh!te on here isnt it lol. So has anyone any good news or did anyone have anything exciting happen over the weekend?


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I'm pregnant and just got engaged and got signed to a record label and am a successful model and bought my own Island!!!

(hmmmmm. I'm afraid these are all terrible lies)
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see no-one has anything axciting to say without making it up. lol
and i murdered my fella and buried him under the patio

again a lie, but we can all dream cant we :)
I have some gos if your interested??? not exciting though just gossip.

My partner as i have said is away working today and i have his son, who is not mine lives with me.
Well he doesn't see his mum well hasn;t for past 3 months, now she wants to see him and i now have to deal with her, my partner wont let her see him yet, but i know she will be ringing me, and i will left in a situation now.
Poor little boys he is i love him as my own though.
She is a b1tch and now i have to deal with her on me own.

Sorry only bit of news i had for you lol
dont answer the phone then she cant try and get around you. Its not a position your partner should have left you with.
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you should just say you wont get involved until your partner is back and keep it sweet
Yeah i will do that, but honestly you dont know her, she is a nightmare a proper fruitcake hence why he dont let her see him.
Hmmm, well i apologised for something today on here for the first time.
Something you didnt know before...
I had a great weekend sunning myself in 56degrees (i hid under a parasol so technically i was sitting in 42 degrees but i could see the thermometer behind my sunbed at the side of the pool, tough job but someone has to do it ; ((
Agree that you should tell her it's between her and your boyfriend and so she'll have to wait until he gets back to sort it out.

Don't get into any further phone conversations with her and if she turns up at your house don't open the door to her, if she frightens you and is behaving aggressively don't be afraid to phone the police. I'm in the same position as you in that my boyfriend has full custody of his son and a psycho ex (although I don't live with them) and I know that if I was left in this position I would be furious and wouldn't hesitate to call the police if she came near me (although that's cos I am sh!t scared of her!)

Hope it doesn't get too stressful for you!
carakeel has just picked up her free laptop on the Orange Internet deal and is over the moon with it, we now have 3 computers networked together lol Its all good fun!!!
not really but i've just decided to go to cornwall on the bh weekend to see my toyboy so got something to look forward to :-)
Well he didnt want to leave me in this situation but he started a new job last week and had to go away this week for 10 days and i was a bit worried.
She knos where we live, she is a nutter, she has even glassed a bloke in the face a while back and what makes me laugh is she is a legal secretary!!!!!
My mum lives very near me so if i get worried she will get to me quick or if need be police will be called.
I never understand women who are like that though.

Sorry 4get this was your thread!!! lol
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I dont mind, i wanted to start a conversation that wasnt like all the rest :-)
well looks like the russian may have returned so that might add to the sh!te
This is really exciting.....It's so hot here that when I got home with a bag of Malteezers , which I had purchased about an hour previously, I found them all clumped together in an irreversible chocolaty conglomerate......Beat that for earth-shattering excitement!!!
thats brilliant stewey, because then they only count as one sweet and you can eat the whole lump (I hope it was a family size pack) without the guilt

Im off to weld some toblerones together
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stewey I did the same last week but with a bag of them white choc buttons with hundreds and thousands, its now just a big bar with hunderds and thousands all in one corner :-) You're right I nearly wet my pants lol
have you seen the new fruit and nut toblerone, pant wettingness indeedy
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it should be fruit and biscuit. Mmmmmmm

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