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2 years ago i had this poisonous harpie and her 6 kids move in next door to me,the first week they moved in her kids kicked in a neighbours back wall, vandalised the property i live in i caught them kicking and punching my cat, urinating on another neighbours cat and just constant antisocial behaviour,i called the police and council as she is not a person you can reason with and since then she had 5 of her kids taken off her which she blames me for, she has caused nothing but misery for myself and other neighbour, kicking in my front door, threats, verbal abuse, spraypainted *** on my wall,banging and kicking my front door at all hours of the morning,getting her scummy chav mates to do the same,outside where we live bragging to her friends what she is doing to myself and my neighbour,attacking my cat with her chav dog going for my cat,getting her mates to attack my cat with their chav dogs the list goes on and on, i have constantly contacted the police and the council but they say she hasn't broken any laws so won't do anything about it, can anyone offer any advice on what we can do in return preferably things that can't come back on us as we are desparate as it is making us ill,all help would be gratefully appreciated
I can't understand why the police say she hasn't broken any laws - get them to explain criminal damage and unsociable behaviour and harassment to you - and then point out to them that this is what's happening to you. And as regards haing the children taken off her - councils do not do this lightly and for no reason, she simply MUST be doing something wrong. Find out...
10:58 Fri 13th May 2011
i would tell you boxtops but i fear for our safety(mine and my neighbours) it may sound paranoid but this is a very small insular town where everyone gossips/stirs about everyone else usually getting the facts wrong in the process so who knows if one of her friends has been on this site, all i know is i live now like a hermit and dread to go out, plus constantly on edge worrying about my cat as her friends still keep going after him, i hope you never have to experience something like this i never thought human beings could be so evil
I can't understand why the police say she hasn't broken any laws - get them to explain criminal damage and unsociable behaviour and harassment to you - and then point out to them that this is what's happening to you. And as regards haing the children taken off her - councils do not do this lightly and for no reason, she simply MUST be doing something wrong. Find out where your local MP has his surgeries and make him earn his wages.
thanks for your answer mercia sounds, i hope you are not having to experience anything like this, myself and my neighbour who is the other victim have now decided we will try and save to move it will take forever but we need to for a healthy mind, through out this whole ordeal we have been treated like the perpetrators so a warning to anyone out there who complains if you are honest and tell the truth you won't get anywhere
I still think the Police are letting you down.
thanks for your advice vulcan42, we are now putting complaints about the way the this matter has been dealt with and how the council hanve dealt with it as this person has now robbed and beaten up one of the other neighbours(who's being harrassed along with me)friends the neighbour from hell said she is doing this cos we are weirdo's and that she used to bully people who dressed like us when she was at school just because we don't dress like chavs and are polite to others has anyone got any ideas where there are actually chav free as i went oto and it seems this while country is swarming with narrow minded people