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filthy area,s populated by foreigners in leeds

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goldenbolls | 06:33 Thu 21st Jul 2011 | Society & Culture
110 Answers
i was in leeds recently looking for a house to rent, i was shocked to see the state of some of the areas there, in armley it is absolutely filthy and horrible, the pakistani,s / arabs have all theyre washing over the road on cables similar to telephone lines,because all i see is burka,s and white cloak things worn by the men. i mean why doesnt the councils reprimand them or bring court orders against these people who are ruining our streets instead of penalising their own people for not putting the right rubbish in the right waste bin ? ive seen other big cities and ive seen similar districts run down and it seems to me that it is foreigners who are residing there probably the odd british junkie or two but mostly arabs/pakistani,s , romanians. am i really so wrong in my views here ? i cant tell lies i only see what i see with my own eyes. i am not racist and i do not see chinese communities or black communities like this. i am originally from belfast and we never had this problem untill romanians moved here into a certain area and within a year it was wrecked and filthy. we have loads of black people and indians , chinese but generally we dont have a problem and we are happy to live side by side and get on well and integrate with our foreign neigbours in belfast.(although polish people do not integrate with us for some reason i dont know)

this country really needs to waken up.FAST !!! oh s**t im going to be banned ;-(


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I have seen that too with black bags left out for collection, immigrants (and they have definitely been seen as such) get there first, rifle through for anything they are able to take to use or sell and the rest of the rubbish in the bag is left strewn along the street. I say what I've seen with my eyes too and that's here in my part of England so I should guess it's not...
07:08 Thu 21st Jul 2011
What area of Belfast did the Romanians move into? And 'loads of Black people and Indians', is this Belfast NI you're talking about?
They come over here, hangin out their washin and wearin clothes.................
I know a lot of Pakistani people and several Arab people, and none of them would string their washing over the road. You are making sweeping generalisations here. The poorer areas are poorer areas, no matter who lives there - there are parts of this town where I live which are very much less well looked after than others, and these are occupied by local residents who seem not to care anything at all about their environment.
You might be banned, however some parts of the capital are like that, and getting worse. Its not all immigrants either, but our nice area, i suppose we are nimbys, looks a bit of a slum, where it didn't before.
You're right em, it isn't all immigrants but in my experience it seems to have got worse where mainly SOME eastern europeans have populated places and I know it to be true from personal observation even if we don't want to accept it being the case. It depends on cultural background as to how people live in whatever country they are in, you get indigenous people here in the UK who are filthy in their living habits too but with immigrants where they tend to populate certain areas and it's their background not to know any different, then you will notice it more unfortunately. Shame that it happens and that it affects those who haven't had to deal with it before, but hopefully it will lessen as time goes on and people show that it's not accepted here. If only multiculturalism worked this world would be a better place IMO
think the word is untidy not filthy
>> it is absolutely filthy and horrible, the pakistani,s / arabs have all theyre washing over the road <<

if they were filthy they would not be washing things

very clean people do lots of washing :)
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yes sandyroe im talking about belfast n.ireland, im talking about the botanic area, once an up market affluent part of belfast, romanians and foreigners started moving in 6 years ago and the area has went downhill fast, i stand by my word. as for douglas all i am saying is "we all wear clothes and hang out our washing " but not over the street like bunting , its discusting !! i forgot to mention the rubbish bins and black bags left outside front doors and strewn all over the place, community spirit is gone !!

and i shouldnt be banned for saying that, as i say , i see with my eyes .
i wouldn't call leaving out rubbish bags which get ripped by the vermin, rats and foxes, before collection day, dumping their old furniture anywhere, and any detritus that you can imagine as untidy. The situation we face is that the council doesn't take the problems seriously. From a well kept area, with lots going for it, to a rather careworn rundown one.
The Botanic area has been student-land for years. The decent residents have been largely chased out of there by the drunken and rowdy antics of the children of the middle class, not foreigners.
I have seen that too with black bags left out for collection, immigrants (and they have definitely been seen as such) get there first, rifle through for anything they are able to take to use or sell and the rest of the rubbish in the bag is left strewn along the street. I say what I've seen with my eyes too and that's here in my part of England so I should guess it's not just in NI that it's happening.
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sandyroe , just to add to your question, i am from east belfast, loads of black people there now especially in the ravehill / london rd area, no problems whatsoever, they integrate well with the local communty. the place hasnt been run down like botanic did when romanians moved into it. have you been to the indian festival in botanic park in august ?
The Botanic area was run down long before a Romanian ever set foot in it. Landlords buying houses and cramming them with students. And those same students thinking Uni means the opportunity for a 3 year booze-up. That's the reason why it is like it is now.
I know there's a few more black people here now than there used to be. And it's good to hear that they're being accepted, as they should be.
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no sandy your wrong !!! botanic fell apart when the romanians and eastern europeans moved in . ok students in the uni area ( not botanic ) check your map on google your meant to be from belfast right ? ) students everywhere get drunk and student areas all over uk and probably the world are the same, students will be students and throw parties etc , we were all there when we were young. im talking about families, grown up men and woman just not giving a damn about our neighbourhoods and throwing theyre bin liners full of rubbish outside theyre doors like they do in their own countries , i get angry at the greedy corrupt uk government because they are quick to take money off theyre own for less !!
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em10 , we cant blame the council for everything, we can only blame them for not fining these people for hanging their washing over the roads like bunting and leaving bin liners and rubbish out on the street , our own people are fined for less. the council and council workers have a tough enough job to do with very little money coming in now. people should take good care of their own areas , keep them clean and respectable .
Botanic; Cromwell Rd, Ireton St, Lawrence St, and the rest, are a part of the Uni area. Local residents groups have been complaining about students dumping black bin bags in the back alleys for years.
the community i grew up with did keep things tidy, pleasant, but sadly they are now in the minority.
You must live a sheltered existence. The white people in my area regularly leave their bins/black bags out...some even hang washing over their balconies.
Disgusting is spitting in the street,disgusting is peeing against a wall on a Saturday night out....oh-I can think of loads of things. I don't include hanging washing out though.
100+ years ago-the Italian and Irish immigrants of NYC were considered filthy...most likely because they too were outsiders.
and the council do know, because they have been told, by endless people, who get ignored.
GB I agree with you re councils being on the ball with things they should, but imo I feel they are treading carefully because maybe they don't wish to be seen as playing the race card which has happened before to authoratative bodies, even the police!
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sorry sandy, i still disagree. students will be students.

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