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childrens behaviour..

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Bobbisox | 12:30 Mon 15th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
69 Answers
I have just come back on the very busy bus from Newcastle after getting last minute stuff in before I go away, it was the usual mix of teens with their feet on the seats and young people with tots, however a Jewish family got on later in the journey, there was Mum, Dad and 8 children, ranging from about 9 down to a new born in a pushchair,
These children were impeccably behaved on our journey, even the smallest ones sat very quiet and still, also I noticed their perfect manners when talking to one another...what a lovely family :-)


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My, Mum and Dad HAVE been busy!
You going away again Bobbs - Bloody hell, pet, have you won the lottery?
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haha Welshy, I'm like Alan
Whicker in a frock!

As a student, I lived in Stamford Hill, London ...a Jewish community and hard work and discipline was at the forefront of their philosophy.

Much to be admired.
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my sentiments exactly sqad, how different their behaviour was, it stood out and I wasn't the only one to see this I would think
We had a Jewish family that lived by us when we were kids. When they went out it was like a military parade. Mum, Dad and 14, yes 14, kids all living together in a 3 bed semi!!. Their garden resembled Horseguards Parade when they were waiting to catch the No 11 bus (they were not allowed out of the garden until the bus came around the corner!). Always wondered if they had a telly - 14 kids would suggest otherwise, I suppose!!
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we have a very large Jewish Community near us, they are very well behaved and go about their businesses happily, I know what you mean about large families Welshy though:)
but if they are all as nice as the ones I have just seen????
and as sqad says, not work shy either
I don't think it's right if the kids are too well behaved, they still have to be kids, kids are meant to have fun! don't mean that you can have fun AND be well behaved......surely not.
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yes, I agree to a point Pa_ul and I am sure they do in their own environment and at home, I think the point I was making that these children had good manners and it looked as if their parents could take them anywhere
no I just mean too well behaved, like when it's practically regimented.
I also think it's healthy for kids to be a little bit naughty, to take the odd risk.
i feel a song coming on.

the hills are alive, with the sound of music........
I was watching Sky Sports a few hours ago and they were covering the signing of Fabregas in Barcelona.
There were 30,000 going into the ground free and I never saw one hoodie, no one showing their jeans half way down their ass and everybody looked smart and clean including the women.

It wouldn't happen here.
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it's when you see 'good behaviour now, you are somewhat taken aback :-)
football hooliganism in spain arises from three main sources. the first is racism, as some black players have been victims of ethnic slurs. the second source is the strong rivalry with real madrid and the third is politically driven from franco and fascism.

you need to remove those rosey specs though, when luis figo transferred from real to barca and appear at nou camp - the home crowd threw bottles, mobile phones and other things including a pig's head.
Paul, I agree that children should have fun but they need to learn what behaviour is appropriate in any situation. In the back garden they can make noise, tear about the place or climb up on things. On public transport, this is disruptive to others and could be dangerous.

There is a middle ground between being a tyrant and letting your children run wild.
ankou....he went the other way....Barcelona to Real Madrid but your point is well taken.
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I agree Ying..
I also think that the Jewish Faith keep up the tradition of everyone sitting down for a meal together and discussing matters as I am sure other religions do but I am speaking from what I witnessed today on that bus
i wish they would come around our way and teach some of the little darlings better manners, their parents seem to ignore them totally. Good behaviour, and having fun, yes it can be done.
There have been studies on the benefits of having large families, this appears to perhaps be one of them. Not sure what being Jewish really has to do with it though

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childrens behaviour..

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