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as out thoughts turn to Winter and snow etc...

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Bobbisox | 21:58 Sat 15th Oct 2011 | ChatterBank
52 Answers
Have you decided on a Summer holiday yet, are you fed up with the lack of a Summer?
Where you going ??


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I haven't had a summer holiday since 1989 :(
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SC, not thought of an impending Winter then?
good for you :-)
My thoughts haven't turned to winter and snow, either!
(I might go to the seaside tomorrow - it looks like it will be a nice day)
Thinking of b----- fuel bills (must be getting old.
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one day Chris???
I wouldn't trust this weather.. but I hope your'e right
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but we must think nice thoughts eh?
I'm off to sunny climes in two weeks.
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oooo where , hc?
My luck with the weather isn't great, Bobbi.

I went to Bordeaux for a day last month. The weather was around 28C and sunny for weeks either side of the day when I travelled. On that one day though it was only 20C and drizzling! (I still had a great day out though!)
I see Chris' 1989 and say I haven't had a holiday since 1986. I'd have to change jobs to get two weeks off and there's nowhere abroad I'm really interested in visiting. Don't like the hot weather here.
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Gran Canaria for three weeks, Bobbi.
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awww Chris,, come with us
Lanzarote Xmas and NY, I guarantee good
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ohhh smashing hc
Puerto Rico?

JN, it's the Boro air man..haha
Had decided to go to the pyramids on the day of the killings in Cairo. Rethinking.
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Ohh, somewhere I have never been Daisy..
Israel but not Egypt
we are booked up for Aviemore to one of the kids favourite hotels for next summer, just need to see if my OH can get the time off or we'll have to cancel.
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hope not annie,, is there skiing there then?

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