Hi there,
Since giving up smoking some 10 weeks ago I have been having some real problems with breathlessness. Because of my recent history [cervical cancer] my doctor sent me for a lung/chest x-ray and more blood test, all of which came back clear. I have also been tested for asthma.
Now I have never been the fittest of people but now I got absolutely shattered just walking the dogs for a mile, by the time I get home I can barely breath.
So a little help please. How can I get through this stage? Is there a breathing technique I could use? In through the nose....out through the mouth?
Any suggestions welcome....
Is there any chance you are anaemic? If you are low on iron it can lead to breathlessness. Doctor can do a pinprick test to find out if you are. I was and a ferrograd tablet each day soon got the levels back up.
While standing or sitting, put your hands on your head and inhale thru nose - hold 3secs - & exhale. This action spreads the ribs allowing the lungs to expand.
Do it as often as needed, especially when breathless outdoors. It works for me :)
Item on the radio today about that. Was sanding the door so didn`t hear properly. It sounded like potato technique so may have been Buteyko. Having good results it seems.
When I did yoga, I was taught that if you turn the palms of your hands upwards, you will breathe from your stomach, good if you feel nauseous. If you feel breathless, turn your palms downwards and you breathe from your diaphragm. It's one of the best things I've ever learnt.
Hi Lisa
As I said in previous post I have COPD and serious breathing problems so have had to learn to cope. I do find when getting breathless on walks that it is better to stop and do some deep breathing to recover for a minute or two rather than carrying on and struggling. 10 deep breaths and learn to reverse breathe like they do with pilates.Put hand on stomach and when breathing in stomach should be pushing against hand, stomach going in when breathing out. My chest X-rays & blood tests were always good but my COPD was finally diagnosed when I did a lung function breathing test at hospital so maybe your doctor should arrange that- just to check. P.S. I made it to Kerala - had a lovely tour/stay - struggled with breathing a bit with the high humidity but managed ok. Can't give up the travelling, I love it too much.
Jean x
JK2, what you are describing is diaphragmatic breathing which I have already mentioned. I also have COPD and was taught the technique by the respiratory physiotherapist at a pulmonary rehabilitation course.