ABH Not guilty plea at crown court
ABH not guilty plea at crown court
Hi all, following my previous questions i have another.
Update..... I pleaded not guilty at Crown court to abh and my trial was put on a warned which is now starting next week. My two witnesses have both made statements to my solicitor and the one responsible for causing the injury has "owned up" to causing the injury in his statement.
At what point will these statements be served on the prosecution? before the trial or on the first day?
Also there is no cctv and no independant witnesses just 3 statments, 2 that completely lie and the other didnt see anything, and they all contradict one another in there virsion on events.
There is also a police officers statment that potentually proves the first witness is lieing.
As you would expect and in this case the evidence against an innocent person is what i asume to be weak.
Will this case go to trial or will the cps offer no evidence?
My solicitor said we have a good case and shouldnt lose it.