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my friend works part time in a cafe in a large supermarket chain, clearing and cleaning tables etc. the cafe is not owned or run by the supermarket but by an outside caterer, which is a very large company. he is a registered disabled person. there is no chance that, even if he did have a computer and online access at home, he would know how to set up and access e-mail. having looked at the equality act it would seem that they may be in contravention of this if they, as has been said, don't make the necessary adjustment to their working practices to enable this employee to have a payslip. i also believe that arranging an alternative way for him to have his payslip would come under reasonable adjustments. he has worked there for a long time but i think he got the job through remploy in the first instance and had an advocate there. now that most, if not all, the remploy places have closed down in our area i am not sure if they would be a source of assistance. now that i can come from a point of view that what they are insisting on is probably discriminatory we can move forward from there.