We used to call the kids from the encroaching council estate 'townies' when they used to try to flatten as much of my dad's corn in the front field as they could by rolling around in it. Or when they set fire to the dutch barn for a dare and destroyed all the stacks of bales and a new **** pheasant, not to mention the litter of kittens we knew were in there.
Well theres always an underclass in every society and unless you want another 'auschwitz' (which we all do not want, seriously) then they're here to stay!
There are grounds for believing the word 'chav' itself comes from the Sanskrit 'sava' meaning 'boy'. As Sanskrit dates from over 3,000 years ago, it looks like they've been about for a heck of a long time already!
In 80's Midlands, they were called 'casuals' and so I guess they are here to stay. These days however they dress even worse than they did then. The lack of imagination is quite staggering.