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Post Office

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jennyjoan | 17:20 Fri 27th Nov 2015 | Shopping & Style
18 Answers
My local post office had a beautiful Xmas decoration in the window - I would have liked to buy one but they had none left and the one in the window was a little faulty.

It was an umbrella - largish - inside out containing a Xmas scene like a wee village with Santa, a wee house and lights on a tree. Something like that. I have googled it to no avail. Anybody help. Thanks


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Ask them where they got it from?
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Well the lady wasn't in yesterday - this particular one said she would find out from their "suppliers" if they had any more - I sorta wouldn't like to ask - as it would look as if I am going behind their back etc. She will be in on Tuesday so will get a race up then.
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no Tuvok - the umbrella is inside out and the village sits on it. Really is lovely - wanted to get it for sista not for me. I have described it on my first post but what really caught my eye there is a heap of imitation snow on the "ground" and you plug it in (electric) and the snow "rains"/moves out of like a lamp
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woofie - they are very good links but it is not it. Santa, a little house, lamp with snow pouring out of it - like a wee mini street.
Have a look at these:
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sharon your link did not work - I would be interested in looking at that. Ta
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thanks Tony - that worked but again LOl not there. Will hang on until Tuesday and go back to Post Office if not - will have to look for something else. Sista's house is dazzling with everything Aladdin's Cave but gleaming. Nothing I can buy this woman. I have told her this is the last - nothing if I am around for birthdays and Xmas next year - presents - they are just a waste of money. Already I have gathered stuff for Thrifty/Second hand shop - soaps, lotions, shower gel etc etc. New Clothes. Hope somebody enjoys them.
Thanks Tony. What I did Jenny, was type into google umbrella base xmas decorations.
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thanks anyway Sharon - and to others for trying to help as usual.
Yep, looks like a trip back to the post office then jj.
tuvok, i already posted both of those

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