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Does tend to be case it apears that women dont expect to be addressed by their surnames but men are not so worried.
Jackdaw. If I were a teacher and addressed by a pupil by my surname only without Mr,Mrs,Miss I would have a whisper in the childs ear as I find that impudent but if I called the pupil out by his surname for being impudent to me then I am being hypocritical.
I agree that unfamiliar persons who are addressed by their first names by nursing staff and doctors is unprofessional and my wife refuses to address her patients as Dolly or whatever whilst Dolly is in the waiting area with other patients. However my wife is a colonoscopy/endoscopy nurse and most of her job is to chat and reassure very anxious patients whilst they endure the procedure,so ,with permission of the patient ,will address them by their first name . It is a line that has to be drawn,particularly when age is calculated in the question, but is it downright rude and offensive at the end of the day particularly in a male environment.If we witness it on a News programme and it is offensive and rude why is it tolerated,particularly by the
hierachcy of the hallowed PC BBC?