I don't want to talk for him as I am uncomfortable talking about someone's private affairs. He is extremely likeable and a local jewellers (Sonkai) look after his stuff for him.
Let me try to be a bit more direct:
1) What do you want to do for this chap? Ideas? Suggestions?
2) How do you think regular visitors/residents might be able to help?
He is a very popular man and was taken in for a few weeks by a missionary unfortunately he is back on the streets. I honestly thought if someone was going to find a place he would. But doesn't seem to be as easy as I initially thought.
I don't want to talk too much about this chap as I believe it is up to him to disclose as much or as little as he wants to.
If you google Jim Hannah, homeless, Norwich you will find a story about an artist that did a portrait of him.