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Mexican18 | 16:01 Thu 13th Jul 2017 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
As a relatively newcomer to AB ,especially chatterbank,I am curious to know if any of the contributers are connected to the editorial team.Some of them seem very clued up! Welcome new Ed.


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It's all very secret, Mexican18. What happens in Answerbank stays in Answerbank. You'll sometimes hear a boom and a rattle from your device, it's just the super security door closing and the drawbridge being raised. Some are more equal than others.
16:28 Thu 13th Jul 2017
some of us are more clued up than others ! lol
murraymints is right at the top of the food chain.
It's all very secret, Mexican18. What happens in Answerbank stays in Answerbank.
You'll sometimes hear a boom and a rattle from your device, it's just the super security door closing and the drawbridge being raised.
Some are more equal than others.

I yam what's I yam, And that's all what's I am.
I am I said...
All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others
Just don't mention Best Answers!!!
just to give a straight answer, I think one member used to work for AB when it started but doesn't now. I don't know of anyone else with any connection. Some members are also moderators but they don't work for AB or get paid (or so they claim).
I have no connections to anyone, I got lost on the web and here I am.
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Wow! I hit a nerve there.I get the idea,I think.Thanks.
ummmm has 258 best answers... she likes them really.
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Is there a spy in the camp?
Spies? Do you mean mods?
I find that some newcomers know more than you would expect after a relatively brief membership ...

... and some old hands have still learnt nothing from their experience.
Cupid - Best Answers make Sqad grumpy :-)
Is that a bad thing, ummm ;-)
I thought sqad was always grumpy....
Well he is but especially about Best Answers :-)
Only in panto season, pastafreak. :P
Regarding 'best answers', ta. :)

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