During the 1960's, The Rolling Stones were seen as a serious threat to civilised society (I know but it was 40 years ago!) and a police raid on Kewith Richards' country house found a party in progress, with attendedent recreational drug usage. Marion Faithful had joined the guests in a walk through some woods, and had just finished bathing when the police arrived, and she was covered in a rug to conceal her modesty. Probably a little stoned, she dropped the rug in reponse to a request that she be searched, causing suitable shock/horror from the present police, and the journalists to whom the circumstances were advised. In the telling, the tale grew, and included a tale that one of the Stones was eating a Mars bar, while it was inserted inside Ms.Faithful. Eveyone present has denied the story many times over the last forty years, and these days Ms.Faithful will terminate any interview in which the story is mentioned. It seems that if no debacuhery is observed, then making some up was the order of the day, as it is now, but this story has lasted and passed into folk law. Next week - Zepelin and that red snapper!