Crosswords58 mins ago
38 Answers
Is spellmaster just a petty minded individual who doesn't have an original answer to any of the serious questions posted on answerbank and therefore is sad enough to sit reading and picking holes in them?
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To say that this site exists for people who are seeking knowledge, it is incredible how so many, when confronted with their own mistakes and the correct alternative, find this terrible. Unfortunately, there are people - you all seem to be among them - who preger to wallow in your own ignorance rather than learn how to avoid mistakes in the future. And these mistakes have nothing to do with dyslexia - their is general ignorance about certain grammatical points. What's more, there is a concept that wanting to get things right is pedantic - what a PATHETIC, STUPID concept. It's all about avoding mistakes, which is simply common sense.
And if you think spelling and grammar are unimportant, then litter your next job application with such errors and see how far you get. Bad spelling and grammar can also lead to miscommunications and misunderstandings, and other negative things besides.
Moreover, I am fed up of the way people in the UK just abandon their mothet tongue and instead slavishly adopt the spellings and speech patterns of the USA. People should be proud of their culture, and language is an integral part of that culture, but to the British anything from Britain must be abandoned in favour of what the Americans use. So try and learn instead of defending your ignorance.
Thank you, I appreciate your responses. I was quite angry when I wrote this and was rather careless - I will do better next time. Thank you, sincerely. There is, of course, a difference between accidental errors, which we all make, and erroneous beliefs, eg that apostrophes are used in plurals or that programme is spelt program, etc. I do not correct normal errors, but try to educate those who clearly do not understand grammar or use American spellings.
I think the lesson we need to learn here is that we are all human, we all get things wrong occasionally, and most of all, no-one should set themselves above the rest in terms of opinions or corrections. We all have equal free access to this Site, and it goes along pretty well, with fascinating answers, and interesting debates, so let's not waste time picking each other to pieces for differences of opinion. We all enjoy saying what we think, in our own individual ways of expressing ourselves, and should extend that courtesy to everyone else. Does that put this issue to bed? Hope so.
No andy, I don't think it does put it to bed. This country needs to act if we are not to be completely swallowed by American culture. We also need to reverse the decline in literacy standards, which included the ability to spell and use basic grammar. If I see howlers - and the things I have corrected ARE howlers - then I think it only right that they be corrected so that the person committing that howler can learn from it. I do, however, take cupra's positive suggestion and will learn from that myself.
Waldo, you are a cretin. What the hell is bigoted about an Englishman wanting to stay English, not American? Or about someone wanting to preserve the culture of his own country against the imperialist onslaught of another country? If that's bigoted then heaven help us, we might as well pledge allegiance to the Stars and Stripes now! You really are incredibly stupid, and I suggest you start to read what people say instead of putting your ridiculous pre-judged slants on them. And go away and read about what the word bigoted really means, because you clearly haven't got a clue.
Two further things - why, waldo, do you assume I mean you when you refer to the word 'program'? How arrogant and self-centred. I've actually amended it several times, of which your case was only one, but you are so self-centred that you assume I must be referring to you. And the muppets were fantastic. I never said things American were all bad, just that I DON'T WANT BRITAIN TO BE AMERICAN. And you have the nerve to accuse ME OF ILLOGICAL ARGUMENT!!! POT AND BLACK KETTLE, METHINKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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It may not be the appropriate place to do it, but Spellmaster is performing a valuable function. I, too, despair at the prevailing inappropriate use of apostrophes, and applaud his/her efforts in this direction.
It shouldn't be necessary, but is. Using text speak, American spellings or simply not caring how one spells and punctuates is just lazy. We are all fallible, witness Spellmaster's own mistakes, and I would argue that occasional spelling mistakes are forgiveable on a site such as this.
The increasing use of "would of, should of" instead of "would have, should have" is another cause for concern. People are starting to use "axe" for "ask". They say "haitch" for "aitch". It's just sloppy, and in some cases, ill educated.