OH has, thankfully, given up on internet banking because of this from Nat. West (where he used to work and which pays him a miserly pension every month). It got to the stage where he could not access his account for 6 weeks. Not helped that they kept on sending texts to his phone ---- we are in a blackspot and it is registered (or should be, we told them) not to use the mobile number.
I was in despair - he would go to pay the milk bill and reappear a couple of hours later, fuming and I would have to drive 8 miles to the nearest machine that worked for Nat. West and reset his bank card code. Happened 5 times before he finally gave up earlier this month. Today I applied for a new cheque-book for him using said machine - he has already told them he wants paper statements posted. This is after using on-line banking for well-over 10 years.
I won't touch it with a barge-pole after witnessing all this - I used to do it in France 5 yrs. ago. It's gone barmy.