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Woofgang, you're right; I'm really old and have never experienced discrimination before. It is difficult to detect. But the very first test attempt (I am not interested in the actual job I am using as a test) gets me an interview in nine minutes of sending my CV in. Yes, they must have spotted the identical email that I sent a few hours later with my name and dates on - I used the exact same cover note wording to give them a chance. I am not trying to catch them out or pursue anything against them - it's purely to inform me whether the intuitive feel I have got has any validity (6 months and no interviews - then suddenly the same CV is 'impressive' - the only difference is there's no way to guess my age - unless Zacs Master is right about all Eric's being old...though my wife does no a 'Brenda' in her 30s!). I think the takeaway lesson is to exclude name, dates and gender to avoid bias against foreign names/sexist attitudes and age discrimination. It needs to be objective. It is human nature to make subconscious choices based on genetic and environmental programming. It should be as objective as we can make it. I am 57 but I do not plan to stop. I want to emulate an awesome person I know who is 94 and still goes into his office everyday! Respect!