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allenlondon | 10:38 Mon 02nd Nov 2020 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
How safe are take-aways (from covid)?

After cooking for 8 months, I don’t half fancy a break!


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As safe as they have ever been.

Covid is caught from breathing in the virus, not ingesting it in food. If you wear a mask when you collect your takeaway, or when it is delivered, you should be fine.
go in and collect
or go in and order then wait outside ....
and enjoy
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Is there any extra inspection of food preparation since C19 hit?

I would havr thought there was less.
I had a pizza a few months ago - they assured me in their blurb there was a tamper seal on the box, so I could be rreassured no-one had touched my pizza since the box was sealed. it never occurred to me that someone might touch my pizza after it went in the box!!
If you're having a delivery, thenthey tend to not physically hand it over any more, rather leave it on your step then step back
Crikey only eight months. I have been cooking main meals regularly for the last 23 years since I retired.Having seen the state of kitchens in a few catering establishments in Paddington a good few years ago I would prefer to cook my own in any case. Having said that a few moggie vindaloos never did me any harm in those days.Those bones were definitely not chicken and they used to charge extra for chicken off the bone.!!
Beware the round bones in a curry.Miaow.
Too true Danny. They were very sharp and brittle as well.
When I was posted to Harrow Road I had to accompany Westminster Food Inspectors on a raid to a very successful busy Chinese Take-a-Way in Queensway W.2. They always had succulent brown Peking duck hanging in the window. When the inspectors opened their fridges we found about 50 duck carcases all going green . They took photos and they appeared in the Paddington Mercury. Trade dropped off there a tad after the disclosure.
They were probably using rabbit instead of chicken. The bones are very similar.
APG //They were probably using rabbit instead of chicken.//
Rabit bones are not round in shape, cat's are.
I doubt Allen would be ordering anything that had bones in at all.

Allen, I would say they are as safe now as they were last year, if you have a local you have used before then treat yourselves.
No I don't think it was rabbit APG. I have eaten loads of rabbit and these bones were not those of a rabbit or a chicken.Rabbit is almost a staple diet of the Maltese and I've eaten plenty. Cat,dog,squirrel rat? Could of been any of those.No complaints about the taste whatever it was.
You can check the inspection rating before you order. Stick with '5''ll know they follow the rules then.
This always reminds me how scared some people are of Covid because I'm probably rather over laissez-faire about it but anyway I've had lots of takeaways since March and it's never crossed my mind they'd be infected with Covid (same as in the past when I never considered they could be tainted with a cold, flu or any other nasty).
Never read of anyone catching flu from a chicken chow mein. Not even avian flu. :-) Food poisoning maybe.
Allen, If you are at all worried then once you have your take away decant it to dinner plates and dispose of all packaging before washing your hands then enjoying your meal. If there were any traces of covid it would tend to be on the outside packing rather than the food.
Its not the food that is the problem it is the human contacts that are the problem
A well Covid defended take away is perfectly safe, however a careless approach may be a different story.
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Mamya. No,it’s been 40 years since I willingly ate anything with a bone.

Retro et al. I’m sure some poor cats have ended up in restaurant dishes, but why would anyone bother? You can buy container-loads of poor bloody chickens for knockdown prices, plucked and ready for the pot, so why bother with dead domestic animals?

Cherchez le profit, and cut the crap.
The Foods Standard Agency has been a great success.

You can check your local takeaway here

My local experience of the FSA has shown me they are paper toothed Quango with no actual authority worth clamping down on certain premises.

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