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Friends Teenage Son Is Mugged After School : (

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Smowball | 21:30 Wed 09th Nov 2022 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
My good friends 15 yr old son, who is a fantastic kid, went into town after school to buy some new trainers that he’d been saving up for. He was with 2 friends. He got the trainers, then was standing at bus stop waiting to come home when a gang of 4 males went up to him and ring leader said hand over the trainers or I’ll slice your face open. (The trainers were in box in sports shop carrier bag so was obvious what they were). He was absolutely terrified so handed them over.
What on earth is wrong with people!!?? He’s just a kid and is now in a right state.


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A lack of consequences, even when caught, that's what's wrong.
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Absolutely agree with you : (
"He's just a kid" seems to be something that doesn't mean very much to some people these days:
Thought you'd be praising the muggers chris.
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I just feel so angry and upset for him - he is such a good kid, his mum(my friend) has health issues and is a single mum, and he does everything he can to help her, and was just out treating himself to something that he’d saved up for for so long.
Whatever for, TTT?

Poor kid Smow...people are heartless and can only think of taking.
What goes around comes around. When those those lads grow up and have there own kids, they will feel the guilt.
Buenchico had one of his 'outbursts' on another thread, Pastafreak.
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I know pasta :(
Ginger, you’d think so wouldn’t you…..but who knows these days.
TTT:Thought you'd be praising the muggers chris.

Your usual mistake Tora, making false assumptions about other posters, so you can make snide remarks about them.
Better to lose the trainers than his life. Too many young thugs go armed with knives and are ready to use them.
Canary, go through this post and the links thoroughly. It may be informative for you.
The statements made by Chris various subjects are well known to many of us.
I know I've been shocked by some of them over the years. But, I've also seen him express great empathy, and at those times I see a huge difference compared to the person some are criticising here. I'd think that there are mental phases...changes...reflected in what he might say. So I just accept...and move on. Those who are newer may not be so accepting or forgiving...for want of a better word.
Pasta if you are interested, this is what I have just posted on the other thread.

"Chris has let it be known that he is on the autistic spectrum which I believe explains the way he feels differently about certain things than most of us. Autism is linked to lower levels of empathy."
Yes lb...I saw that before I posted.
I think people have to make allowances sometimes.
so canary did you grasp what I was talking about?
Agree Pasta.
//I think people have to make allowances sometimes. //

I don't. Whatever the problem, intelligent people know right from wrong. Allowances are made for others here - and because of that they get away with whatever they want to get away with. Excuses cover a multitude of sins.
One of my daughters IS autistic, she lacks empathy but not like I see here.

She also does know its wrong.

Unless of course we are saying that someone can claim (cant be proven on here can it) a problem and say whatever they like without recourse?

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