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Who Owns The Moon?

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naomi24 | 11:42 Sun 09th Jun 2024 | Science
21 Answers

//A new space race means it could be up for grabs......We’re in the midst of a Moon rush. A growing number of countries and companies have the lunar surface in their sights in a race for resources and space dominance. //





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No-one. I wish it were off limits. 

Mankind has done a pretty good job of polluting our world, there's tons of junk orbiting the planet and now we're going to rape the moon.

I know of nominating stars etc... for someone... but I'm sure they were a fella in America.. trying to sell parts of the moon for development future. I read a lot of Sci-fi but i'm sure that is true. and a lot as I recall paid him for it as though it were his to sell.

Whoever does what up there, it'll get ruined eventually.  Destruction is what humans do best, after all.

Didn't the American's think they staked a claim to it by planting a flag there, only to discover they were not alone.

Who Owns The Moon?

The biggest cheese , of course 



Excuse me! I am the current owner of the moon. I bought it online back in 2010 for £30K, thinking it would be a good investment for my old age.

Now i've sort of* reached that time of my life, i have tried to contact the original broker in order to sell it on, but no-one seems to have heard of him?

*In body, yes. In mind and spirit, no.

So now we know.. it's owned by Ken.

If ever the question comes up again I can give an honest answer.

There is a classic Sci Fi Novel by Robert Heinlein called "The man who sold the moon" - about future commercialisation of the moon. In fact RH was fascinated by the moon and living there etc and wrote several novels on the subject.

There was supposed to be an agreement that no nation owned the moon, but it appears the human race has failed to advance as hoped and the greediest will grab what they can and dare you to try to stop them. No wonder no alien has bothered to make contact yet.

The owners will be the people who can get there, extract what they're after, and return it to Earth.

I'm reminded of Antarctica, research bases there might one day serve as grounds for claims of sovereignty.

These may have something to say about it.

Unless they have interplanetary nukes, they'll be ignored. Soup dragon or no soup dragon.

The Iron chicken could be a deterrent .

I don't know what Mr. Spoon has been on... but I want some.


I Own The Moon.rents are due on every 25th.

Khandro @ 15;53, Sunday; "God"

Now you're just being silly.

Me - I own the moon & anyone can visit whenever they like & take away whatever they can carry. No charge.😁

If you expose it in public . . . it should be up for grabs!

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