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A Team Of Nasa Scientists Have Just Completed A One Year Experiment...

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sandyRoe | 13:03 Mon 08th Jul 2024 | Science
11 Answers

Where they tried to replicate the conditions they'd meet on a journey to Mars.

One thing they couldn't examine was the effect of long term weightlessness on the human body.

Could the effects, if they prove to be harmful, be a block to human travel between planets?



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Well yes - until they find a way to cobat it.

A study was made of those on the International Space Station, 

"In November 2019, researchers reported that astronauts experienced serious blood flow and clot problems while on board the ISS, based on a six-month study of 11 healthy astronauts. The results may influence long-term spaceflight, including a mission to the planet Mars, according to the researchers."

I think that some sort of artificial gravity will be necessary. Probably involving rotation as per many examples in sci fi.

What about induced comas?

I know it'd be a lot of equipment to take up there and surely the boffins have thought about it... but how about regular bouts in a G-force device like that they train fighter pilots in.

I think that radiation will be the biggest problem, and may rule out a Mars mission for the foreseeable future. Robots will probably be used for a long time indeed.

who would look after people in induced comas?

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Something like Hal in 2001. A space Odyssey 

14:20 in a coma wont change anything anyway, the body is still weightless. The only way is to create the equivalent of gravity and the only feasible way is to have a rotating ship that emulates gravity.

We know muscles tend to waste away. Probably more effects from bodily fluids not being pulled downwards, towards the feet.

One can but try & see. Explorers always risked their health and lives.

I suspect current tech will cover most radiation risk, solar glares maybe excepted.

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A Team Of Nasa Scientists Have Just Completed A One Year Experiment...

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