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Is Trump Too Old To Be Running For The Presidency?

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sandyRoe | 21:34 Sun 21st Jul 2024 | People & Places
21 Answers

If he survived the entirety of his term in office he'd be well into his 80s.

He should be playing more golf under the Florida sun while he's still able.




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Age shouldn't matter. OH and I 'eloped' to UK when he was 75, married when he was 80, kept 2 houses and acres of land, 30Km apart, going for 5 years until mine sold; packed up houses, cleaned, cleared; dealt with all the legalities in French and English; bought a house in England from France and moved to UK when he was 82.  It was a massive effort for both of us, but we...
17:33 Mon 22nd Jul 2024

Are you going to tell him to quit?


Good luck with that!

>>> "He should be playing more golf under the Florida sun while he's still able"

Is that before his Trump National Doral Miami golf course gets repossessed by Deutsche Bank, with whom he's got a $125m mortgage?  (It's finances appear to be in a very precarious state, as do the finances of just about all of DT's other golf courses).

He came to visit his Scottish golf course, there was a big welcome and a pipe band.

He paid for the welcome so he would look good and pretend that he is loved in Scotland.

Age alone shouldn't be a barrier.

Maybe he should keep playing golf.  He says he's very good at it.

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It's time the gerontocracy ended.  Where are the young Democrats and Republicans?

His age is minor consideration in determining his fitness for office.

I think age should be a barrier. Trump is not all there and will get worse.

A huckster, charlatan, liar, cheat, criminal and charistmatic.

The latter seems to be the only thing that matters to many. Second only to Jesus.

> Is Trump Too Old To Be Running For The Presidency?

I would say so.  But I'm not the one making the choice.  What I would say is that in the first Republican presidential caucus, back in Iowa in January, Trump won by a landslide - scoring 51% of the votes, leaving the remaining 49% shared between 39 other contestants, with Ron DeSantis coming in second at 21.3%.  Unlike Biden, Trump had to win against younger opponents; and he did win, with all the other candidates finally giving way, the last being Nikki Haley. 

Donald Trump is a megalomaniac, unfortunately that is a too big a word for most Americans to understand.

Age shouldn't matter. OH and I 'eloped' to UK when he was 75, married when he was 80, kept 2 houses and acres of land, 30Km apart, going for 5 years until mine sold; packed up houses, cleaned, cleared; dealt with all the legalities in French and English; bought a house in England from France and moved to UK when he was 82.  It was a massive effort for both of us, but we managed it.

It is only in the last year (he's now 91) that he has visibly slowed and deteriorated in many ways - a great sadness to me - but mentally he is still very alert and perfectly capable.

I played the organ at a friend's funeral last Thursday (really very upset at her going) who was mentally fine until the very end - she was 95 yrs. 8 mths. old.

People must be judged on ability, not age.  I'm not taking sides in the arguments for and against Trump/Biden; but it is very important, to my mind, that individuals are fairly assessed and not stereotyped.

To me, it's really about who is the best for the country (and its relationship to our country). Trump may be competent, or not;  either way, the idea that he's the very best that the USA can offer to itself and the world is clearly not true. There has to be better, just the same as with Biden.

i do appreciate that people can be very capable when they are old but i think age limits should be imposed to prevent the onset of gerontocracy. otherwise you get a situation where the entire political system spends years in the grip of people who are extremely old and in decline... nancy pelosi mitch mcconnel joe biden donald trump. 

decrepit old git - far too old + being a meglomaniac with it. Read the 2005 agenda and bear in mind that he has a 6-3 majority on the Supreme Court.

Thank you forB.A., sandy.

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You're welcome.^

Trump was targeting a man not much older than himself.  With Biden off the stage Trump is now the older candidate.  I hope his opponent plays on that 

//Maybe he should keep playing golf.  He says he's very good at it.//


Is there anything he's not good at, the very goodest, in his own estimation?

in fact as he might say "tremendously good"

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He must sometimes think he's missed his calling.  A life as a top ranking professional golfer would have been far less stressful and rewarding both spirituality and financially.

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