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Anonymous Letters

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Wuffles | 12:50 Sun 11th Aug 2024 | Law
43 Answers

Hi all


my wife has got 2 anonymous letters sent to her saying I've been having an affair (one letter last year, one this year). After the second one I filed a police report but they've closed the case as they can't justify the expense but said they'd reopen it if another letter came. 

I think I know who it is but I didn't tell anyone as I did cheat with her. They were not threatening but obviously I don’t want this coming out. The last letter she said she'd prove it to my wife and show her the messages between us. I'm worried this will happen. 


what would happen if she got another letter? Would the police actually do anything? I really don't want to say I have an inkling who it is as it will be me confessing to cheating which I'm not prepared to do (I know, I just know. Don't need any lectures)


The letters and envelopes are typed, self sealing envelopes and local-ish post marks. First 2 sent recorded delivery but what if the next one is just plain first class snail mail? Can that be traced?



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Return to sender, address unknown.

No, impossible to trace especially as you are not co-operating with the police.

Anything to do to stop her might provoke her in to turning up on your doorstep. 

Is she breaking the law if she is telling the truth?


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Douglas - they were anon, no return address


for more info. We met a few times and she knew I had a family but she fell in love with me. The first letter was just confessing that we had an affair. The second letter she sent intimate photos I sent her to 'prove' she was telling the truth. 

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I don't see this as a police matter in the slightest. This woman could ring, turn up, write, put it on FB (where I live about 5 years ago someone painted it in huge white letters right across the road). - none of this is a crime, just unpleasant behaviour that probably a million people have experienced.

You won't like the answer but your wife must be going through hell. Why don't you just fess up and deal with it, that can't hurt her more than what she must be constantly worrying about already. 

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So were the police lying when they said they'd reopen and investigate?

You mean you sent your mistress photos of your manhood and she sent to your wife?

If that's the case, you might as well confess to your wife.

You seem to be making excuses.  You also knew you were married with a family but don't seem to have discouraged this woman.


Wuffles, you lied to the police leading them to believe this lady is telling lies and mischief making.  You are guilty of wasting police time

'Manhood' may be a bit of a stretch.

If that happened to me I would confess and take my chances on whether or not my marriage survived.  I would never be held to ransom by anyone.  Why anyone ever takes tacky pictures of themselves - least of all share them with someone else - is a complete mystery to me.  Barmy!

///So were the police lying when they said they'd reopen and investigate?///

Not lying, as such but possibly simply placating someone who knows full-well what he has done. 

I imagine long-experience probably told them that you were likely to be guilty as the letter-writer charged.

Come clean to your wife.

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I know I've done wrong. Yes there are photos of my privates but not private's and face together so I said it wasn't mine. honestly it could be a couple of people but theres only one person I believe did this. Which is why I have not told the police as I can't be 100%. I know I did wrong but I just wanted to know if the police can and will trace it if it happens again.

If you weren't lying she could be charged under hhe Malicious Communications Act 1988 as it is an offence to send by post, email or other means that is "Information that is false and is known or believed to be false by the sender".  There must be malicious intent but that doesn't apply because this woman is telling the truth.

You could be guilty under the Communications Act 2003 for  sending a message or other content that is grossly offensive or indecent, obscene or menacing as you sent your mistress indecent images - but that is unlikely to happen, there would be very long queues at every court.


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Thanks jackthehat. Fingers crossed that's the last of it 

So you sent those photos to more than one person?  

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I've sent and seen more than one person

I don't think the Malicious Communications Act applies where wuffles exists.

You should hope the police don't investigate and find out who the sender is.  That will provoke her to contact your wife again, maybe knock on your door.  

Seems probable to me she is not going to give up

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I was after advice about the LAW not my character.


as it was anon, no return address. How can the police trace it? Will they spend time and money doing fingerprints. Can they test the paper/envelope to see where it came from? Can they trace the stamp? 

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