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Surely the speed limit applies to bicycles too.

Is this a ruddy joke? So how come roads can be closed for motor sport events? Didn't realise how many people in authority are actually quite deranged. 

Chairman Drakefors legacy.

You can trust labour to *** things up (borrowed from Barry).

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gromit: "Surely the speed limit applies to bicycles too." - it does but normally there is an exemption for road races. They go over 40mph at times so in every other Tour De.... they are also over the limit. Only in Wales was it deemed an issue. Why is that?

Perhaps they're trying to get bicycles off the road. Never know yer luck.

Too many cameras that will snap and charge automativcally together with the intransigence of the ruling Socialists probably.

According to the link, 20mph limit does not apply to cycles, it would be support vehicles etc which would not be able to keep up. You would have thought the limit could be lifted for the very limited time the race would be passing through a particular area, you would imagine the road would be closed to ordinary traffic at the time.


You would ahve thought, but they are dealing with far left Socialists.

Is this thread really just another in a series of let's find anything we can to criticise Labour.


No. Just more shock & awe.

Perserver.  No. Just to show what a silly world we are now living in.

Left wing socialists cant stand people having fun. For them life is far too serious.

TORATORATORA, 'gromit: "Surely the speed limit applies to bicycles too." - it does but normally there is an exemption for road races.'

Maximum speed limits don't apply to cyclists in general unless a bye-law applies.

The link shows, "The race is not on closed roads, as temporary road closure orders were not secured in time."

Perhaps the relevant applications hadn't been made in time?

We shouldn't be too suprised given the clowns running Wales. During Covid it was these clowns that said you could go to Tesco to purchase necessities, but you couldn't buy a microwave from the same shop. I'd argue if a microwave was your only form of cooking, and it broke down, then it is more of a neccesity than a dozen doughnuts.

Don't be silly, Corby. It is clearly the fault of a Labour government. (Well, it is Answerbank.)

^Aren't they the people who imposed the ludicrous 20mph speed limit?

4.56pm - The Labour Government are a legitimate target given they are, err, the Government.

17.06. Agreed, any government is open to criticism. My point is that many on AB seem to spend their lives looking for ways to snipe at Labour (and I accept there are some with the opposite side.)

17.04 Is it only Labour who have imposed 20mph limits? The answer is no, and I don't agree that the limit is necessarily ludicrous.


The reduction has had a positive impact upon road-safety.

"The number of casualties from collisions on 20 and 30mph roads in Wales from January to March this year fell by more than a quarter compared with the same period last year.

The provisional figures, published by the Welsh government, show there were 377 casualties on such roads in the first quarter of this year – a 26% fall from 510 in January to March last year.

The latest figures were also 19% lower than those in the previous quarter, October to December 2023, when there were 463 casualties."


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Tour De Wales....too Fast !

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