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Horse Riding In Pregnancy

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TwoShortPlanks | 11:49 Sun 08th Sep 2024 | Body & Soul
22 Answers

Is it safe to ride a horse when pregnant? 

For clarity, I am not planning on either!

A friend is currently 37 weeks pregnant, and is still riding her horse on a regular basis. Now, I am a big supporter of "her body, her pregnancy, her baby, her choice", so I'm not looking to criticise her. Just would like someone to ease my concerns really.

I can't really talk to her directly about this, as I don't want her to feel I'm attacking her.




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She's probably spoken to her health care worker about it.  If I were you I'd butt out.  

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I'm not butting in Niaomi. That's why I asked here, and didn't talk to her.

I'm only showing a private concern.

I know you're not butting in.  I'm just saying I would leave it to her.

Ok is this her first child, and does she ride frequently, goes out every day and is around her horse/s on a very regular basis ?

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I'm just wondering if it's not a big deal to ride during pregnancy. Is it like eating runny eggs, best avoided but not dangerous like drinking alcohol or smoking.

As I said, it is her choice entirely. This isn't an entirely wanted pregnancy, and I'm concerned she's being reckless. 

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It is her first pregnancy (she has miscarried before). She is around her horse on a daily basis, but it's known to be a bit temperamental, and she's been thrown off in the past. 

As I say, I'm not looking to interfere at all, or judge her choices. Just a little concerned. 

Hopefully baby will appear in the next few weeks, and all will be well. 

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I think women are capable of doing all sorts of things while pregnant.  I've just watched a series of You Tube vlogs of an American woman hiking The West Highland Way when 6 months pregnant.

As you say: it's her body, her choice.

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It can be beneficial as riding helps keep core and back muscles strong. Falling off poses a risk in later pregnancy, though

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Thanks for all the answers. Seems that the riding itself isn't an issue, could even be beneficial. Just potentially falling off is concerning.


It's one of those situations where there's not much you can do - as you've said, it's her life and her choices.

if you want your friendship to continue that's all you can do .... what she's doing is really quite normal and not unusual for regular horse women.

Barry, falling off can pose at risk at any stage of a pregnancy.

I feel,sorry for the horse.  Too much weight.

You neither know how big the horse nor how heavy the rider is. 

yes at 37 weeks it is safe

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Any exercise that is done before pregnancy is fine to during pregnancy. Always confirm with health care provider though. Horse riding is ok with care. I would be concerned in case the horse is spooked, runs away or is ridden in heavy traffic. A heavy fall in late pregnancy would be a cause of concern in case of damage to the placenta as would a severe kick in the abdominal area

As long as she doesn't fall off I can't see why not. 

as someone who has delivered a few babies, can you leave my posts alone please. Horse riding is safe

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